Rejected? “Put out”?
This man did. He had stood for what he knew, simply stating the facts that he was aware of, and those in charge… Those that “knew better” rejected him. They “put him out” or turned him away. No longer welcome with the crowd.
But, Jesus found him. WOW! The King of all kings, the Creator of the universe, God in the flesh sought out this man and found him! And so will He do for you!
When we stand up for what’s right, refuse to compromise, the world and even the church may disown you. They may turn you out and reject you because you do not “fit in” with their theology, their tradition. But have no fear! Jesus will seek out those who refuse to compromise! God comforts those who stand in truth! Who would you rather have stand with you? God or man?
When you feel alone, abandoned, rejected… Know that if the reason for that is truth and refusal to compromise, Jesus will find you! You are never alone, if you stand in the light!